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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Got questions? We have answers!

We have curated a list of questions that we are regularly asked below. If you have a question that we haven't answered, contact us!

What is Little Buddies?

Little Buddies is a commercial composting and vermiculture business. We specialise in producing high quality compost and vermicast created from food waste and other organic waste via our organic waste collection services, receiving waste from businesses (drop off) and by partnering with waste carriers.

Why the name "Little Buddies"?

We chose this name, because of the small creatures that are critical components of our food chain that are the engine room to our compost and vermiculture processes, and regenerative agriculture:

  • Compost Worms (we use Eisenia Fetida, also known as the Tiger Worm) for our worm farm practice

  • Bacteria and Fungi in our soil

  • Dung Beetles

  • Bees

These "Little Buddies" keep our soils healthy, and our crops pollinated. We have plans to introduce and support populations of Dung Beetles, as well as beehive services. Right now, however, we are focussed on providing high quality compost and vermicast to the regenerative agriculture industry through collecting and receiving organic and food waste and processing it using best practice compost and vermiculture practices.

Where is Little Buddies Located?

We are based in Cambridge, New Zealand, with sites close to Cambridge and Hamilton.

What services do you offer?

We offer the following services:

  • Food Waste (and other organic waste) collection from local businesses

  • Receipt of organic waste from Waikato businesses

  • Drop off of organic waste from waste carriers

  • Vermicast and Compost Sales

What is your pricing for commercial food waste collection?

For small businesses, we pick up 20 litre buckets from you; $12/bucket, collected weekly.

​What organic waste can Little Buddies collect and process?

We collect food waste and other organic waste as part of our landfill diversion efforts.

For a list of what we can collect, check out our collection page

Do you have compost and vermicast for sale?

Yes. Our partners currently have first option on our end products. As we scale up, more vermicast and compost will become available. Initially, we will announce any available product on our social media channels. Once we have more products to offer, we will make them available on the website.

What are the benefits of the partner program?

The Little Buddies Partner program is created for businesses with a bulk organic waste problem to solve. Waste carriers, factories with organic waste or biosolid by-products etc can engage in our partner program where they can benefit from:

  • Competitive rates for tonnage received

  • Tonnage fees offered as a rebate on compost and vermicast that are purchased or

  • Profit share on compost and vermicast created from their waste that is sold

Can Little Buddies manage our compost and worm farm processes for us?

Yes (maybe). We can engage with you to set up and/or manage composting and worm farms at your site. There are some restrictions to this; contact us today to see if we can collaborate.